Friday, December 29, 2006
Hey don't argue with me..that's God's idea. In the beginning He set up the plan. Male and female together for life with their children. Families are forever. Friends come and go. Families, if they are to be close and really benefit one another, take work! They take the effort of time and sometimes energy. In Psalms or Proverbs it says "God puts the lonely in families". I think that's beautiful and it speaks of the importance of the family. Its not just 'being' a family...its the 'being there for each other, loyal, matter what. Loving and accepting but also challenging when necessary, speaking the truth in love. Not being perfect, but going through the tough things together, not giving up on each other. And so I think at Christmas time I love that in our family at least, its all about family. Amanda's idea in going away with her kids is...presents are ok but time together enjoying each other and a special activity is making a memory that will last. Andy being in England at Christmas with his sister and her family and this year especially with two people who are as much family to us as our own family...Ray and share our love and support with them. .. That's what Christmas is about. Disagree????? God sent Jesus so we could be part of His family once again! Case closed!
Christmas Teas!

I had planned on three teas but only managed two. The first at Amanda's cause she had her house all decorated first. We had tea and scones with clotted cream ready when she came home from work. John, Sara, & kids and Andy were able to come. The second was in our little basement area that John and Sara are so graciously lending us. We had eggnog and Christmas tree bread with antipasto & crackers. No not David's eggnog! The area behind the curtains is our bedroom. I love the arrangement of two sectionals in a sort of circle!

E.D.B.E or "E"

Ethan...what a character! He talks now and it is so cute. He wants to be part of everything, of course, and he is so quick. He learned the Christmas story right along with the least the last word of each line! So cute! He loved Christmas as he did his birthday. He gets very excited about presents and it was fun to watch Sara and John try to keep up with him at he attacked the presents...some of which were not his! Love you E. Oh yes that is what he will tell you his name is if you ask him "E". When you go shopping he talks to everyone!

Christmas programs!

A big part of Children and Christmas is the Christmas programs. The Chestermere Christian Fellowship did a great program. Its was the first that Sierra had acted in and she is a natural! The Heritage Christian School did a fantastic evening starting with the Kindergarten classes. Can you spot Sierra on the right in the front row and Ocean behind her alittle to the left. As they told me "Our song will drip right into your heart and make you cry!" It was GREAT! The Brad in the Orchestra played one of my favorites...Carol of the Bells. Can you spot him in the second row...just his eyes and blond hair. I was so impressed I wanted to stay for the Senior parts...but alas had to go home as my ride...Amanda...was leaving. Well done...the orchestra was fantastic and I am particular!

Christmas at Laura's!

Special Handmade Gifts!

Hostile to Hostels! and back to skiing!
Well I just spent an amazing two days with Amanda & the kids. My first experience with Hostels....its so different...I thought 'OK.. we are sharing a cabin with 8 other people but we have our own bedroom with 3 sets of bunks' leaving one top bed empty. Well at 12.30 am a 50tyish man entered the room...I really hadn't noticed that there weren't locks on the doors...and said the office sent him down because there was one bed available in our cabin. Manda assured him this was a 'family' room. But the second time he came in she had had second thoughts and knowing the rules of hosteling didn't refuse him the top bunk...well I must say ... I was abit aghast! to say the least. However it all ended well...we went off skiing next morning (cross country) everyone's first time except Amanda and I and that was years ago! We loved it...Ocean conquered it and Brad mastered it...Jon did great but needed different clothes to truly enjoy the experience. Thanks Amanda! Great Christmas gift to your family! It gave us ideas for a winter family reunion when David and Erin get home!!! (hint..hint..) I can't post pictures cause something is wrong with the poster but hopefully manda will!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Breakfasts
Well I had a ball being the Christmas Breakfast Fairy starting at Sara's,
I wanted people to wake up to a Christmasy table, and some good food.
It was fun!
I wanted people to wake up to a Christmasy table, and some good food.
It was fun!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
We've got it all wrong about us getting it all wrong.
At the first Christmas God went all out!
The visiting...Shepherds, wisemen from way far away
The decorations....God made a special star
The busyness....Mary & Joseph had to travel a week...people getting registered for was a very busy time...
The gifts...Wise men went all out...God went further
The music...Angels...well it doesn't actually say they sang but I think 'glorifying and praising God' must have meant 'music'.
We can't beat God's celebration that first Christmas and I think the sour faces about all the commercializm (sp?) etc is wrong. I think we should celebrate with 'hilarity'. Its not what we do or don't do...its the reason and motive behind it. I personally love the shopping...looking for that one special thing to light up someone's eyes...I love the music..the busyness...the joy and celebration mood. Let's not be scrooge's this year let's celebrate the way God did!
At the first Christmas God went all out!
The visiting...Shepherds, wisemen from way far away
The decorations....God made a special star
The busyness....Mary & Joseph had to travel a week...people getting registered for was a very busy time...
The gifts...Wise men went all out...God went further
The music...Angels...well it doesn't actually say they sang but I think 'glorifying and praising God' must have meant 'music'.
We can't beat God's celebration that first Christmas and I think the sour faces about all the commercializm (sp?) etc is wrong. I think we should celebrate with 'hilarity'. Its not what we do or don't do...its the reason and motive behind it. I personally love the shopping...looking for that one special thing to light up someone's eyes...I love the music..the busyness...the joy and celebration mood. Let's not be scrooge's this year let's celebrate the way God did!