Friday, December 29, 2006

Its all about family!

Hey don't argue with me..that's God's idea. In the beginning He set up the plan. Male and female together for life with their children. Families are forever. Friends come and go. Families, if they are to be close and really benefit one another, take work! They take the effort of time and sometimes energy. In Psalms or Proverbs it says "God puts the lonely in families". I think that's beautiful and it speaks of the importance of the family. Its not just 'being' a family...its the 'being there for each other, loyal, matter what. Loving and accepting but also challenging when necessary, speaking the truth in love. Not being perfect, but going through the tough things together, not giving up on each other. And so I think at Christmas time I love that in our family at least, its all about family. Amanda's idea in going away with her kids is...presents are ok but time together enjoying each other and a special activity is making a memory that will last. Andy being in England at Christmas with his sister and her family and this year especially with two people who are as much family to us as our own family...Ray and share our love and support with them. .. That's what Christmas is about. Disagree????? God sent Jesus so we could be part of His family once again! Case closed!


Blogger Laura Jean said...

For me, Kimberley Pidegon brought Kathryn and I to Dorion Bible Camp in 1978. Who would have guessed that a week at camp all that time ago, would bring such a great family into my life to become my family too. It was so special to share Christmas with both of my "moms who are named Charlotte" in my new home. So glad that you had some special memory time with Amanda and the kids too. Saw that you have photos now, I'll have to talk with Sara to see what her trick was. Love ya Char. LJ

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to get a feel for your Christmas! Thanks.

8:26 PM  

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