Tuesday, December 05, 2006


We've got it all wrong about us getting it all wrong.
At the first Christmas God went all out!
The visiting...Shepherds, wisemen from way far away
The decorations....God made a special star
The busyness....Mary & Joseph had to travel a week...people getting registered for taxes...it was a very busy time...
The gifts...Wise men went all out...God went further
The music...Angels...well it doesn't actually say they sang but I think 'glorifying and praising God' must have meant 'music'.
We can't beat God's celebration that first Christmas and I think the sour faces about all the commercializm (sp?) etc is wrong. I think we should celebrate with 'hilarity'. Its not what we do or don't do...its the reason and motive behind it. I personally love the shopping...looking for that one special thing to light up someone's eyes...I love the music..the busyness...the joy and celebration mood. Let's not be scrooge's this year let's celebrate the way God did!


Blogger Laura Jean said...

Thanks for reminding me Char. It is fun to watch someone's face light up when they open a gift given from the heart. Even if you do get low, the fast pace of visiting and shopping; plus seeing the different decorations, does help lift those spirits up. I am getting excited sharing my Christmas with you all in my house and to have my mom here makes it all that more special too.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Shepherd Snapshots said...

Fabulous post! I also love the hunt for the perfect/special gift for those I love (and staying with the budget which I never seem to do:).

3:52 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Cool post momma. I enjoyed that comparison. Never thought of it like that before. (never really had trouble with the commercialism ... but it was neat to think about God celebrating that way too)

Did some shopping today in Red Deer. Had Journey along (and Garron) and it was really fun. Journey is a great shopper and was extra cute today. We get such a kick out of her!

Love ya,

10:19 PM  

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