Monday, August 14, 2006
Peter & Kate's Reception Aug.12
It was a great day. The weather held and I think Sara & John's place hosted about 80 people! Kate's mom and family put on a fantastic meal and Amy & Amanda cleaned and decorated. With the help of Laura we kept the punch bowl filled and had a great day of visiting. Here are the Wilsons (Peter's highschool basketball coach and family. We hardly ever get to visit them. It was great!

Saturday, August 05, 2006
What Now?
So! Andy has resigned from Chestermere Christian Fellowship...feeling his work there is done. What next. Actually we haven't got a clue. So please pray for us. We aren't 'retired' as that would mean we had some means of living. No we must work but what does God have for us. We'd appreciate your prayers! Stay Tuned!

Friday, August 04, 2006
What do you do with your time?

Well, I babysit.....alot. I'm not always, usually, as patient as grampa Andy. But I love looking after our grandchildren. And I know, I hope it helps out the parents. I know my parents were there for me and I am even more grateful now than I was then. I just didn't really realise ...... Thanks mom and dad for EVERYTHING!

Oh yes my latest venture is learning to ride a motorcycle. Jon let me try his and was VERY patient with me...also rescued our van that I was about to hit. I managed to move a few feet.....who knows....
I also ride the mower! I took on grass cutting for the church, about 6 acres; Sara's, about 3 and our little yard. I tell you...I am behind everywhere! But I've really enjoyed it. A nice break from babysitting.


Brad on the other hand loves to be in pictures and often has a running commentary going at family gatherings. I enjoy his sense of humor, as well as Jon's!
The Russian contingent! David's boys kept a pretty low profile at the wedding. Only 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 they were VERY well behaved. My DAD...I am so proud of my dad. He drove all the way from Thunder Bay...yes ...straight through...and walked me down the aisle just like he did 38 years ago. He is handsome, energetic, funny, helpful, and 89!!! Beat that. I was so glad he was at the wedding so I could show him off! I love you dad!

'Grampa Andy'

My Son!

The Wedding!

Finally after two showers and lots of preparation we all went to Canmore stayed overnight and then went to Peter and Kate's wedding in a beautiful little church in Banff.

A highlight was Kate's four little flower girls.
They were perfect! And it was such an honor for them a time they will never forget. They got to be princesses for the day. Ocean even teared up as she saw Kate walk down the aisle. (Who didn't)