Friday, August 04, 2006

What do you do with your time?

Well, I babysit.....alot. I'm not always, usually, as patient as grampa Andy. But I love looking after our grandchildren. And I know, I hope it helps out the parents. I know my parents were there for me and I am even more grateful now than I was then. I just didn't really realise ...... Thanks mom and dad for EVERYTHING!
Oh yes my latest venture is learning to ride a motorcycle. Jon let me try his and was VERY patient with me...also rescued our van that I was about to hit. I managed to move a few feet.....who knows....

I also ride the mower! I took on grass cutting for the church, about 6 acres; Sara's, about 3 and our little yard. I tell you...I am behind everywhere! But I've really enjoyed it. A nice break from babysitting. Posted by Picasa


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