Friday, August 04, 2006


OK...Jon Keatley is hard to catch but someone did. He always adds a touch of humor to our family gatherings...he's a pretty cool kid! (oops young man)
Brad on the other hand loves to be in pictures and often has a running commentary going at family gatherings. I enjoy his sense of humor, as well as Jon's!
The Russian contingent! David's boys kept a pretty low profile at the wedding. Only 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 they were VERY well behaved. My DAD...I am so proud of my dad. He drove all the way from Thunder Bay...yes ...straight through...and walked me down the aisle just like he did 38 years ago. He is handsome, energetic, funny, helpful, and 89!!! Beat that. I was so glad he was at the wedding so I could show him off! I love you dad!

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