Ode to Laura
The words are almost synonomous
Ask anyone in our family
They will tell you
Laura defines the word Friend
How, Why,
She is there
She cares
She keeps in touch
She remembers
She listens, and doesn't judge
She is thoughtful
Mention something you like...
It will show up at the next birthday
She keeps track of so many
But each one feels important
She is part of our family
We share our deepest feelings
and thoughts with her
But what is really great is
She shares hers with us!
She can be in your home
but you are just as relaxed
as when she isn't...that's an art!
We feel so inadequate if we measure our friendship
against Laura's
But she accepts our attempts
and doesn't hold our failings against us
Laura, we've shared alot as families and individuals
Thank you for letting us be part of your life
And thank you for being part of ours!
(To prove my point...this was due when we celebrated her birthday in September!)