Tuesday, October 03, 2006


What? Yes! Our amazing extended interracial family the Inch's and Tuazon's are taking us to the Philippines in December! WOW! We still can't believe it. We get to see where they grew up, their culture, their roots! We are so excited! I think I may even work in the rice paddy...they've promised me a pink straw hat! (just kidding) Thanks you amazing people. And again Andy and I state... they have been the biggest blessing to our lives not the other way around!


Blogger Laura Jean said...

Amanda shared the wonderful news tonight when she was over for dinner, but we are wondering if this is a new trend at Christmas time - visiting family and friends overseas? How awesome to see where your friends live and absorb their culture. It will be a wonderful and relaxing time for you and Andy - of course I (we) will miss you at Christmas. But then you can pass along some great stories when you get back. Happy to have you bloggin' again too Char. Love LJ

8:40 PM  
Blogger Shepherd Snapshots said...

Very cool! What an awesome opportunity...

10:12 PM  
Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

sounds perfectly great!

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whewre are you guys going to end up next.
Love Margie

9:53 PM  

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