Friday, January 05, 2007
The hard part isn't falling...its getting up!

Well here are a couple pictures from Manda's skii trip! I'll leave the rest for her blog (since they are her pictures!) I did great all falls...till Manda said "Stand still with Ocean I'll get a picture!" Then I toppled right over! I have to take a ski off to get up. But all in all a great day which we repeated 4 days later only without kids and adding Amy, Tina & Andy!

Mr. Big!

OK, poor John, we don't need a house full of animals but he is living with Sara and me (till I get evicted for stunts like this!) Meet Mr. Big. Isn't he adorable. He is huge and I couldn't resist. He lives in our downstairs bathroom and is very well behaved! I just love him! (I guess it was an early Christmas present to myself!)

I'm becoming a bird brain!!!

I was so excited when John P. (really sara I'm sure) gave me a book about lovebirds for Christmas...explaining that the lovebirds were to follow! And so they did...a male and a female...very Biblical AND 'what's in the box?' a nest with 5 eggs...what we'll do with 7 birds I have no idea...but its FUN!