Monday, January 09, 2006

The beautiful blob you see is...

Amy & Garron's baby boy, Solomon Honour Jon Rish! Click twice to make it larger! We just had an 'It's a boy' celebration dinner! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

yay! we should have sent all the clothes huddy has grown out of home with you. want to come visit again and bring back more things;0? kidding. maybe we'll see about sending a package, or maybe we'll wait till we can visit next. what did you have for the it's a boy celebration dinner? meat and potatoes?

9:34 PM  
Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

Mom, its time for a new post. I might not comment often but I do check it often. Just write down some thought or something, you don't have to have a picture. Did I mention that we really enjoyed you guys being here? Miss you. David

9:49 PM  

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