Sunday, January 01, 2006

Charlotte visits the Great White North

HI EVEYONE! yes we arrived safely and are having a wonderful time. There is snow but its not all that cold. ..just very very grey! Getting around with 3 kids in the city with no car is a HANDFUL! I am so impressed with Erins energy! New years was different..We went to red square in the mornning..very impressive..but decided to stay in at night. sorry Peter! The fireworks outside our window all over the city were amazing and went on till 6.30 am! Today is like Christmas ...everything closed and gifts given. Tomorrow we babysit so David and Erin can have a break/date..


Blogger Laura Jean said...

Glad you are having a great time Char (Andy too). How are the newer coats? Nice and cozy? I look forward hearing how you did playing scrabble in Russian. See you soon. Have fun being with the kids. I am sure David and Erin will enjoy the wee break for themselves.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Just checking in. Seeing if any new stuff has been posted. Did you get more pictures than what David and Erin showed?

6:21 PM  

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