Saturday, December 17, 2005

Amy's Response to Sentencing...

This is how Amy felt after the sentencing of Lorne Gibson in Thunder Bay.

re: Senior Citizen Sentenced (December 13th)

I am one of the victims in this case but due to a
publication ban your paper is not allowed to print my
name or the name of the man guilty of this crime. I
wish it could. It was my aim in coming forward to put
an end to the secrecy ... to expose this sexual
predator to the community of Dorion and in doing so
hopefully save others from the trauma I suffered while
in his employ. While the 'guilty' verdict in June was
a huge affirmation of my pain the sentence on December
12th was completely invalidating - a slap in the face.
Especially disturbing were the findings of Mr. Yeager
- the man hired by the defence to determine the
current risk that the guilty man posed to the
community. Mr. Yeager claimed that risk of
reoffending was 2% based on clinical studies and
testimonies given by the accused and members of his
family and community. What Mr. Yeager failed to do
was interview any of the other young girls who had
worked for the accused in the time since the crime
against me. Had he done this he may have found that
there were many others who were sexually assaulted or
molested by the accused. In fact, the very reason I
came forward was because I discovered someone very
dear to me was being molested while working for the
accused, and this was as recent as 2002. It behooves
me to understand why any of THIS information failed to
surface. Had he done his job thoroughly and
objectively Mr. Yeager would surely have come to a
vastly different conclusion and the accused would be
behind bars today - leaving the community of Dorion a
much safer place!

~ a victim revictimized

Amy Rish (nee James)
(403) 443 7584


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