Friday, August 04, 2006

The Party Goes On!

This is how it went. We all met at Kananaskis Friday for supper and overnight and breakfast at your leisure the next morning.
Saturday night we moved (not quite en masse) to Sara's acreage for a drop in supper for all our friends from Chestermere Christian Fellowship. Amy (who also did a photo presentation at Kananaskis) had run a time line of photos and comments from Sara's lower level all through the house! It was great! Tons of people came and as you can see hung around for some impromptu singing.

Ok I panicked a bit about the food and sent
Garron (what are sons-in-law for!) out for emergency supplies. But with Martha and Shirley's help we managed with what I had bought in the first place!
Sunday we were all in church and fortunately Stanley was willing to speak because I don't think Andy could have.

Lunch was back at our place. Again Martha was invaluable as we had extra people show up.

After all that a dip in the hot tub was in order.

Erica, Andy, Scott....Where did Andy come from?

Relaxing at Sara's with some music and heartfelt cards.

Thanks Sara & John for opening your home.

I think Barb Harris' comment when she arrived at our house Sunday was 'This is the party that won't end!' Posted by Picasa


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