Friday, August 04, 2006

Sibling Stories

Erica, Andy's younger sister came all the way from was she and Scott his brother who got the ball rolling by telling me they were planning on coming for Andy's 60tieth. Well I had to plan a party, didn't I?

We missed terribly our good friends Ray and Hilary also from England. They tried their best but due to health problems just couldn't make it work. But we knew they were there every minute in spirit and Ray actually called Andy just before dinner.....more tears!
Scott and his friend Martha. What a joy to meet Martha. She just pitched right in and we felt we'd known her all our life. Ocean took a particular liking for her.

Scott, Erica and Martha (actually everyone who stayed at our house!) got an overload of extended family...thank you for your patience & help! Posted by Picasa


Blogger John and Sara said...

Wow mom, awesome updating, when the heck did you have time to do this? Very nice. Thanks for loving us and taking care of us and ours!! I love you.


1:24 PM  

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