Monday, April 23, 2007

The Old Man!

Who believes when you become a Christian you stop sinning!? You have only a new nature? Well guess I'm not a Christian cause my 'old man' has been rearing his ugly...and I do mean ugly...head! If you don't know who I'm refering to look up Romans 6...King James version...I'll give you a hint though ... just in case you are lazy...its not Andy...its definitly not my dad! (I never did let anyone refer to my parents that way when I was a kid!)....Yep...the old man! YUCK!!!!


Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

Ah yes but He who called you will present you holy and blameless on that final day. Who has saved you from that body of death? David

12:03 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

I think with all your spare time you should be posting twice a day on this blog ... not twice a month!
Check out some of my new posts (: Maybe you'll be inspired. hee hee

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need to go to the Olive Garden or the Saskatoon Farm for lunch. Call me from your new house. I'll come and see you and it.
Love Margie

10:03 PM  

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