Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Switching Gears/Changing Direction

Get your address books out. I'll soon be sending you new addresses for Amanda, Amy & Sara AND Andy & I! That's the switch. We were all geared up to stay put (I do love this house) for the next 4-5 years but our landlord wants to move back...so we're on the lookout. My list of needs/ or what we can afford is ridiculous in this housing market...but my Father knows! So we wait and look! My gears did a bit of grinding cause I really really really love this house. However it is just a house and my mansion is waiting!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder what your new home will be - hopefully something special - meanwhile you have the shore to look forward to!!!

5:37 AM  
Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

sorry you have to move again:(

8:50 AM  
Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

Amen on the mansion! Visitors don't usually put roots down too deep anyway. David

9:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WOW, its funny how life changes. Please let us know your new address. We are doing fine here and wondering when you will come and visit?

8:55 PM  

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