Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Our Friends!

We thank each of our Philippino/Canadian friends for this most amazing gift.
To see your homeland...well we thought it would be nice. But it was so much more.
I was so blessed, moved, touched, inspired ...I could go on and on but words fail to convey how much this truly meant to me (and Andy).
Don and Lilia, our hosts, our friends, our brother and sister. What a joy to spend two weeks with you! What a blessing your friendship is to us...thank you for taking such good care of us we felt completely spoiled. And as you know we came home completely rested in body, mind and spirit.
I can't think of another vacation we have had that was so meaningful.
Elsie and Dennis you opened your home to us. It was a pleasure to get to know you and your family. God bless you! Eddie and Fortuna, it was so neat to see you in YOUR country! Fortuna, I've never seen you so relaxed and happy. I feel like I know you so much better now!
Katherine, what would I have done without you? You were an amazing hostess, guide, friend. Our market days and time at SM are treasured memories for me! And I'd have been killed crossing the road if it weren't for you! Thank you so much. I am so glad we got to see where you and Joe, Janice, Jalyn, Jen, Jeff, Ce and Erwin grew up...not just the place, but the culture! And I'm so glad you got to see some sights finally too!!!!!
Lilia and Lucy, I am challenged and excited and blessed having been to Capas and knowing some of what all your dreams are for that place. I believe with all my heart God has already and will continue to bless in unusual ways as you seek to bless your people back in the Philippines!
Will God let us go back, will He let us minister in some small way at Capas as your dreams take shape. I hope and pray that it will be so!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!


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