Saturday, November 25, 2006

Where does the time go?

Its been ages since I blogged even though I check everyone else's regularly...I mean daily...I mean more than once a day...just in case. I love sitting at Sara's computer (when the snakes aren't crawling around their cage) and play my IL DIVO christmas cd. (actually its Laura's) I'm usually doing laundry at the same time (lest you think I'm loafing!)

Its been a autumn of upheaval for sure. But I think we are all doing not to bad. Andy and I still don't know what we are doing beside the coffee truck and babysitting. Mind you, we both enjoy what we are doing very much!

We are very grateful for the way Sara and especially John (we are in-laws after all)
have incorporated us into their very busy household. Its alot like ours used to be; strange and wonderful people all over the place all the time! I think we are helpful...most of the time. I even do the babysitting of Ocean and Mikyla (the other little 5 year old) over here. When its half nice outside we can play with the bunnies, guinea pigs and the pig (named Charlotte..came with that name) not to mention the horses, trampoline, swing, cats...I love it.

That's it for now...just wanted to catch up. I need some pictures for sure but they're all on my computer at Amanda's)

To keep up with all of us check out the blog links especially on David and Erins


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Good photos - keep in touch!

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey great photos indeed! Been a while I know! Hey if you have time check out my blog at just a little something to let ya'll know what's going down on over here. All the stuff is pretty much about me right now cause I just started but more about the family and such will be on there soon:)

1:13 PM  
Blogger Laura Jean said...

Glad you are enjoying the CD - been helping my mom cook for dinner together - a great preparation for Christmas. Can't wait to celebrate it with everyone in Calgary in my new home. Love ya!

2:40 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hey, great to have you blogging again mom. I've been checking regularily but I know finding time is tough.
Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, I DO!!!

8:25 PM  

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