Tuesday, November 28, 2006


As we look to what we should be doing in ministry I find that I am constantly drawn to children and Andy is drawn to adults. Does that mean I am just immature? Well this is what I think when I think about Children.

Children are a heritage from the Lord
Children take things on face value
Let the children come to Me (said Jesus)
don't stop them
for of such is the kingdom of heaven
Unless you become like little children
you will not enter the kingdom of heaven
Their angels are always beholding the face of My Father
If anyone hurts one of these little ones....
(well read Matthew...........)
If you have done it to one of the least of my brethren
You have done it to me
(Amy Carmichael's mandate for working with the outcast
children of India)
Children are: what you see is what you get
Children forgive so readily
Children tell you the truth even if hurts
Children just want some time and interest
(yes even teens)
Children are wet clay
Adults are.....(you fill it in)
Maybe that's what Jesus meant when He said
'You must become like little children"
What highter calling, I wonder, is there
Than being a career mother!
Do we get confused because of the paycheck
or the world's view of what is worthwhile?


Blogger Amy said...

At last weeks Bible study I was affirmed again that being the mom of my children was the most important thing I could be doing right now. That now is the time I can have the most influence in their lives and I shouldn't be wasting my energy on things like sorting my bathroom full of junk or organizing my filing cabinet, or worrying that maybe I should be doing more 'profitable' jobs. Thanks, mom, for always pointing me in the right direction in regards to my role as a woman, wife and mother. I love ya!

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW - you sure can put things into perspective in a hurry! You are a 'career mom' for sure.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Laura Jean said...

Speaking as a non-parent and having had more interaction with you and the family since moving here - being an at-home mom (grandma)or a working mom, there is one thing I have observed - being a parent is such an important "job". It is not a 9-5 job and it doesn't end at a set age either. It is a life long commitment to be there for your children no matter their ages - I have learned so much from just observing all your examples as you interact with your children. For me, it is the little things like receiving hugs or having them say "I missed you like forever" when I haven't seen them for a while. It just warms my heart - that must be a piece of what you feel. We all have special gifts - Andy could be with the adults, but yours is with children Char. You are able to put things in a way they can understand better - esp in the teaching of the bible. Thank you for your gift, Char.

10:28 PM  
Blogger The Belangers said...

Hi Charlotte! I stumbled across your blog from visiting David and Erin's blog (which I stumbled on from visiting another blog, and so on!!) I just wanted to say I enjoyed this post and it was an encouragement to me as a new mom (even though Rebekah's nearly 18 months I still feel very new at it all). So thanks! And PS - you were always my favourite piano teacher :)

Jessica (Brown) Belanger :)

9:51 AM  
Blogger Carla said...

This was a very encouraging thing to read! Thanks for posting that!

6:59 AM  

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