Monday, February 05, 2007

So we are spending ALOT of time with Kalia! Here's a picture of her at McDonald's for Sierra and Ocean. She sure wishes we had brought the girls with us!
On day one we also came across a monument dedicated to the soldiers who went through the World War 11 'death march'. It was amazing! I need to talk to my dad about what he remembers hearing about that!!!!!


Blogger Laura Jean said...

Like you said, how amazing to have come by the monument dedicated to the soliders. I remember going to the monument on Vimy Ridge in France, dedicated to the Canadian soliders that died during the war. They had etched all their names - their were some Rutherfords on the wall. Please say hello to the Inches for me. Glad you and Andy were able to get away and see Phillipines with the Inches.

10:21 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Its so cool that you're in the Philippines! Well, not 'cool' temperature-wise I guess. Still your hair DOES look awesome with its humidity curls. Are you tempted to move there full time? DO Don and Lilia need someone to run their 'resort'? You'd be perfect but I don't want you to be that far away. I need you and my kids need you! (:
Had a fun day with Sara today. She came up with the kids and we went swimming etc. I'm working on getting her to move up here too! She's thinking about it.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Journey asked to see pics of grampa Andy so I showed her your blog this morning. She got all sad and said she wanted you guys to come home .. to OUR home.


9:22 AM  
Blogger Joseph, Maricel, Joscel, Joshua said...

we're sure glad that you guys are enjoying it over there, it's so nice to see you relaxing and rested. Love to you both, and our family, Jo and Cey

11:33 PM  

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