Sunday, April 26, 2009

Karis Wild Rose

Or Rosey ... but I found myself calling her 'Little Girl'
This place is 5 KM from our house straight east on Hwy 16.
There is 30 acres of field to ride in.
Notice the great sturdy tie rails!!!
Notice the small riding arena!
She is TALL! I need a mounting block for a small horse so....a ladder?
She is 11 and a Breeding Stock Paint...which means you can't really show her cause she has no color but might throw foals with color.
Can you tell I'm happy? I think she is too. She has already made a friend with one other horse. She loves treats and being brushed and loved.
Thank you Reagan! (Previous owner) did a great job training her. I can't wait to ride her...but I'm going to spend a few days on the ground with her first!
THANKS for the photography, Jon. BTW you can see the mountains on a clear day from this spot!



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Anonymous Reagan said...

I realize this is a long shot but I sold you this mare...any chance you still have her?

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I surely do have her!

8:13 AM  

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