Sunday, July 27, 2008

Look what's become of me!




Evidently, I got an eye infection from my dad! After one week with three visits to the vet it has gone from bad to worse, including a respiratory problem. So now I can't see and I can't smell; but I hear (yes I can still far)that I will get better. I am getting so much attention! My owner puts hot compresses on my eyes and two different kinds of meds on them every 6 hours...yes even at night! Then there's two oral meds I get at different times too. I am relegated to the bathroom where I stay in my kennel even though the door is open,(remember I can't see or smell too good) and many times a day steam is created from the shower running to help my breathing. I'll never doubt my owner's love cause I hear (remember I can still hear)she's mortgaged the farm to care for me AND I heard her praying for me in the middle of the night! My last vet loves me and even called today (SUN) to see how I was doing. (I did not like whatever she did at my tail end to take my temp though! YIKES what kind of world do I live in!) Remember, please,though I look like 'Devil Cat' now, hopefully I'll return to my 'cute' self soon.
BTW I'm only infectious to other cats!
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