Sunday, May 11, 2008



Old Friend!
Winter was always hard on you
But you always bounced back!
Not this year.
This year we realised
You can't do another winter.
I'm sad.
You've been a good friend.
I love grooming you
and I always felt safe when I rode you.
I thank you for that!
Stubborn? Yes!
But so am I!
I don't know if I'll ever feel
so safe on another horse.
I'm going to miss you.
I wish you could be in my own
back yard.
Just for this summer.
But I don't have a backyard.
I think its time we let you go
live with Tess.
She'll be glad to see her old friend.
But we'll miss you.
I'll miss you!
Old Friend!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Char, When bad times come the poetry comes out. I wish I could keep her here for you. Bud is so hard on her. The studdy part of him kicks in and he bites her and chases her, and beats up on Toughy. having her her made me realize I can never have a mare here. Not while I have Bud anyway. I am so sorry. This is the part all horse lovers dread. Love Margie

7:12 PM  

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