Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dear Granddad,
I am sorry that we did not have the opportunity in out lives to get to
know each other more than we did.
But the times we did have together
will forever be cherished in my heart.
My love for you grew so much during our times
and I am so honored to have a Granddad like you in my life
to show me what a gracious, gentle and admirable man is.
I was talking to a friend the other day
and I said that my Granddad was a great man.
And he said, well he would be, your dad is a great man.
So I thank you with all my heart for my father
and all that you have meant to him and
the way you have shaped and influenced his life.
To have a legacy like that to be a part of is not
something everyone is blessed to have in their life.
Thank you Granddad.
I miss our times of sitting in your little home playing cards and
dipping biscuits into our tea.
Or talking about weather or not Portsmouth would
be able to stay in the premiership.
But the memory burned into my heart is of my last day with you.
It was just me and you sitting in your room
talking for three hours straight about our lives.
And when it was time to go I
gave you a big hug and you told me you loved me.
You have touched my life,
and one day we will walk together on heavens shores
and never have to say goodbye.
I miss you Granddad, and I love you too.

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Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

Peter, that was good to read. It is very special that you got to spend a little more time with him and get to know him better. It is great to hear from you. Maybe you should blog more often:) Miss you.

10:33 PM  

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