Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Well I wish I had pictures of the last two weeks at Ruth's but alas Sara has the only camera. I had such a good time sleeping in a tent(first with Jon, Brad, Ocean)then the last week on my own, picking the fruit (rather vegetables) of Ruth's labour in her garden, making relishes, swimming in the lake, learning to drive the quad..I know I was awful!
Now its back home, a week till I start babysitting again, so I am keeping busy househunting for Sara, going for coffee with Andy and rearranging the basement since Jon is home and taking over the spare bedroom.
Pictures will follow of Sierra's new puppy, Amanda's new dog and anything else that catch'es my fancy!


Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

Amanda got a dog?! And sierra a puppy? and sara a house? I hear Laura might be getting a house too.... Wow. ANd you got Jon:) Yes, we'd love to see some pics when Sara returns with the camera or whatever. What did Sierra name her puppy?

4:26 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

You never told me you had a blog site! I discovered that you did by reading David and Erin's. Then I just started typing in addresses I thought you might have used and HERE I AM! You're stuck with my comments now too. (:

I wanna be able to post pics on my site! How are you doing it?

7:47 AM  

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